Sunday, November 2, 2008

Little Things

It was a typical Saturday for me. We have a well and though the water is somewhat conditioned, it is still not the best for drinking. So every week I pack up the trunk with a couple dozen gallon jugs, fill my pockets with quarters and head to the local Aquabar.

This week I had a little help. True to their name the little bear cubs cautiously approached; momma bear looking on from the other side of the convenience store entrance. Thinking back, it was really very much like what you might find in the woods. But these were Cub Scouts and it is popcorn fundraising time.

Benny, Zack and a couple of Nicks sensed that the adult was friendly enough and after closing for at least some popcorn sale, they offered to help fill the jugs with quarter-a-gallon of filtered Streetboro drinking water. The little guys were curious and talked about helping others as part of their Scout training. The four were good friends and laughed easily. I had fun with them.

After we filled the bottles I went over to the table where two Scout moms and a Scout dad were minding the store. It was a good visit and only cost me 15 bucks. I went into the store and grabbed an Ice tea. By the time I came out another customer was at the Aquabar. Emboldened by their experience with the nice water carrier, they thought this stranger would be as accommodating; another boredom killer for energetic nine-year-olds. No such luck. The man had no patience for the cubs and shoo'd them away like overly playful puppies. What struck me was the clear lack of respect for the boys.

Kids deserve respect, too. Everything we do as adults teaches and adds to their small but growing view of the world. I don't know if the man had kids, he was about my age so if he did they would be grown by now. By his actions I would say he probably never had the pleasure. The cubs were just being kids and for that they got yelled at. We really have to watch it. Little things to little kids can mean everything.

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